Destiny 2 Leviathian Dog Room Easy Strategy

the one room your dog should not be left alone in, according to a new study

Christine Reppke / EyeEm Getty Images

Dogs feel most unsettled when left home alone in the bedroom, with new research discovering it increases their heart rate by a whopping 47.2%.

With the gradual easing of lockdown seeing many of us return to work, a study by found that over a third of dogs (36%) will be left home alone 3.5 days per week — equating to over 5.7 hours per day. While we are itching for 'normal' life to resume, our furry friends could struggle to adjust.

As part of the research, carried out a study on five different dog breeds (1,000 dogs in total) using heart rate monitors to find out which locations make our four-legged friends feel most at ease — and which we should avoid.

While pups were most distressed in the bedroom, the team found that dogs feel comfortable in the kitchen (71.2 BPM), followed closely by the living room (71.8 BPM). Interestingly, it's thought dogs associate both of these areas with positive outcomes (for example, they snuggle with owners in the living room and eat in the kitchen).

jack russell terrier in bed

Irina Polonina / EyeEm Getty Images

"Dogs may become confused if left in the bedroom as they know their owners only use this space for sleep," Dr Heather Venkat explains. "Additionally, some dogs don't like confined spaces and therefore areas such as your porch may make them feel more uncomfortable than the kitchen or living room."

Chris King, head of home insurance at, adds: "For many, leaving your dog home alone when you're at work is unavoidable, but it is important to both make sure they're comfortable. Sometimes damage from leaving your pet at home comes with the territory so you should check your home insurance plan to ensure you're covered."

As life begins to return to normal, there are lots of ways owners can avoid separation anxiety. From minimising disturbances by closing curtains to leaving out a special toy for them to play with, it's important to ensure our pets are safe and happy when home alone.

For more information, read our expert-approved guide on how to treat separation anxiety in dogs.

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